Saturday 10 April 2010

Allotment Update

We've finally had some decent sun so went to the allotment to check the condition and make a start for this year. The good news is it wasn't too bad!

Most of the plot was sheeted over, so not many weeds. The unsheeted parts were a bit overgrown, but not bad. Some of the sheeting had blown out of place, but was easily replaced. I took more bricks with me to hold down the sheeting a bit better.

I dug up the brassicas from last year and dug over the bed - approx 12' x 8'. Most of it was fairly easy to turn over, but did have a lot of grass and weeds in parts. I removed as much of the mares tail root as I could find. I'll be planting spuds in this bed in the next few days - the spuds have been chitting for a few weeks so are ready for planting.

I'll need more space for more spuds, so will make a start on digging the other spuds bed up there over the next few days. I have also finished digging over the 8' x 8' spuds bed at home, so all spuds should be planted soon.

The gooseberries and redcurrants have a lot of grass growing under them. I'll need to rip out as much grass as i can at some point and put weed sheeting under the bushes.

The raspberries are in similar condition, but i can't put weed sheeting under them like with the bushes. I'll probably need to dig the raspberries up in autumn/winter, lay weed sheeting just like at home, and replant the raspberries.

The blackcurrant bush I found last autumn is clearly visible under something else that appears twiggy and dead, possibly lavender. I'll need to clear all that and the ground underneath when I get a chance.

Overall, not too bad - had feared much worse. The weather has set me back with the digging, but some good sunshine and hard graft and I'll catch up. Need to remember, I don't need to do it all at once! I've got plenty of time for planting out over next couple of months.

I'm also going to mark out some slightly wider paths - I don't need to use all the ground at once - and I'm being given some old slabs etc, so can use them for pathways. I will get a whole load more slabs eventually!

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