Tuesday 25 August 2009

Cucumber Sarnie!

Picked my 3rd cucumber this year - had to give the first two away as I was going on holiday - good news is that 3rd one tasted brilliant - much better than the bitter cucumbers grown in previous years

Sadly only had 3 cucumbers from 2 plants in the greenhouse so far - another baby one growing slowly - must find out what went wrong and why so few cucumbers

Sunday 23 August 2009

Sigh .......

Have been mostly away for 3 weeks holidays - 1st week very wet, lovely sunshine for 2nd and 3rd weeks - a friend came round to keep an eye on things in the first week, i popped home a couple of times in the 2nd two weeks - disappointed that nothing much as grown in these 3 weeks

14 tomato plants - 7 varieties in the greenhouse, 7 outside - the greenhouse plants are much bigger than the outside ones with a lot more green tomatoes, but have picked a total of 8 cherry toms so far this year -everything else is still green

14 pepper and chilli plants, mostly in the greenhouse - a whopping total of 3 baby sweet peppers growing - woo hoo ....

4 aubergine plants in the garden - have my first small aubergines but hoping they grow a bit first

celery isn't doing much - spinach is looking ok but not brilliant - no signs of butternut squash yet

all the potato leaves have died off now - will start digging the spuds up at home and on the allotment over the next couple of weeks

french beans and runner beans doing ok so far - not a huge crop - will go back to sowing in modules next year and hopefully get a crop earlier in the year

read somewhere that we should stop cutting rhubarb about this time of year as it gets woody - will pick some more this week and see if it's any good - maybe that'll be the last pickings this year - got some in the freezer anyway

elderberries are doing ok - will pick loads this week before the birds get them - also loads of blackberries out so will get as many as i can while i can

planning to get up the allotment a couple of times this week - i'm well behind up there - will be mostly clearing the ground and digging up some stuff i already have growing there - might still be ok to plant some brassicas for overwintering, but not sure - still need to build a frame with netting for them anyway