Sunday 17 June 2012

Planting Out the Salad Bed

Now that we have some sunshine at last, I've managed to plant out the salads bed, although strictly speaking, there isn't much "salad" stuff in there.

First 2 bean wigwams
We planted out the mangetout and the first of the runners and french beans a couple of weeks ago, but then had endless rain. The mice scoffed most of my bean seeds, so we picked up some french bean seedlings from B&Q. We set up another 2 wigwams and planted the new beans, with iceberg lettuce inside the wigwams.

I dug over and levelled the rest of the bed and planted out the sweetcorn, courgettes, marrows, pumpkins, butternut squash and an outdoor cucumber. I'm going with the 3 sisters methods to maximise use of space, so it's a bit of a tight squeeze. Sweetcorn is in a block, each plant about 15in apart. In the middle of each 4 sweetcorn is a squash, cucumber or similar. When the sweetcorn is big enough I'll sow more french or runner beans up each sweetcorn, although maybe only on the ones we can reach easily.

Planting Plan
The planting plan is shown in the image. Not all the plants are in yet - some of the sweetcorn isn't big enough and one of the cucumbers is too small.

The pumpkin, marrow and butternut squash are in the middle where we can simple leave them. We need to reach the courgettes and cucumbers, so they're in the more reachable spaces.

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